Monday, November 12, 2007

Jorge Rojas


Jorge Rojas was born in Morelos, Mexico in 1968. Lived equal parts of his life in the U.S. and Mexico.

Jorge studied Business Art at the University of Utah and at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas, El Nigromante in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico where he focused on painting and sculpture.

Jorge has shown his work in Mexico, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Seattle and Pittsburgh.

In 2006 Jorge was invited by ArtsAid to represent Mexico in an international Art exhibit that took place in Bangalore and New Delhi, India.

In 2006 he has participated in group shows at The International Center, The Asian Cultural Center and at MDH Fine Arts gallery, all in the city of New York.

Jorge’s work can currently be seen as part of Nuevo Arte: Colección, a traveling exhibit of contemporary Mexican art Curated by The Mexican Museum in San Francisco.

He was recently awarded a grant for a sculpture residency at The Vermont Studio Center which he will attend this October and is preparing for a solo exhibit at the Ex-convent del Carmen in Guadalajara, Mexico in the summer of 2008.

Jorge resides and works in Brooklyn, NY and teaches mural painting to kids through the Brooklyn Arts Council.

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