Monday, October 29, 2007

Moataz El Safty

1969 Born and work in Alexandria – Egypt.
1992 Graduated from Painting Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University.
1994 Syndicate Member of Plastic Arts in Egypt.
1994 Member of “ L’Atelier “ Group of Artists and Writers .
1995 Works as Plastic Arts specialist at the Creation Hall – The General organization for culture palaces – Ministry of culture.
1996 Preparation of Master Degree .
2005 Working as a coordinator of artistic programs, External Relations and web contents coordinator in AAW / Atelier of Alexandria ( Assembly of Artists and writers ).

Current Practice:
Painting, Installation and Video art.

Solo Exhibition:
2004 One man show – Video art “Under separate cover “- Al Gezira Center – Cairo.
2002 One man show – Collage and istallation - Akhnaton Gallery – Cairo.
1999 One Man Show – Installation and painting - Akhnation Gallery - Cairo.

Group Exhibition:
2006 international Exhibition – Croatia
2006 Yearly Exhibition for Fikrun Wa Fann Salon – Goethe institute – Alexandria.
2006 Sarajevo Winter Festival
2006 " The Light " – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 National Exhibition – Art center – Cairo.
2005 2nd International Biennial “ Imagining the book “ – Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
2005 Yearly Exhibition for Fikrun Wa Fann Salon – Goethe institute – Alexandria.
2004 Form through Light project – Alexandria Atelier.
2004 Participated with Egyptian Artists group in book art biennale in Frankfort-Germany. 2004 Private invitation to participate in youth salon in Alexandria – video art “ Dreams“.
2004 3rd International Tunis Biennale – Video Installation “ the life like a coin” and “ modern civilization“.
2004 Exhibition with Egyptian artists and Italian artists in Egyptian culture center in Italy. 2003 L’Atelier de Alexandria Salon – Alexandria.
2003 6th Autumn Salon – Center of Arts – Cairo .
2003 Monochrome Exhibition – Goethe Institute – Alexandria.
2002 Artists from Alexandria – Gallery 95 –Alexandria.
2002 International Exhibition “Imagining the book 1 Biennial“ – Goethe Institute.
2002 Alexandrian Creations – Creation Center – Alexandria.
2001 8th International Cairo Biennale – Installation “Back to a civilization“.
2001 5th Autumn Salon – Cairo.
2000 Autumn Salon IV– Center of Arts – Cairo .
1999 Autumn Salon III – Center of Arts – Cairo .
1998 National Biennale of Port Said IV .
1998 Salon of Regions – the General Organization of Cultural Palaces .
1997 Salon of Regions – the General Organization of Cultural Palaces .
1997 Egyptian Youth Painters “Institute Italiano di Cultura“ Alexandria .
1996 10 Alexandrian Artists in “ El Hanager Art Center – Opera House .
1996 National Biennale of Port Said III .
1995 Egypt Culture Week – Vienna – Austria .
1994 Art Performance ( Unity between Critic and Artist ) Center of Arts and Goethe InstituteTitled “ Creative Mentality in the Frame of The Ready Made Forme “ .
1992 Alexandria World Festival – Hussien Sobhy Museum.
1992 alexandria's world festival - Alexandria
1992 – 1998 Salon of Youth ( 4th , 6th , 7th , 8th , 10th ) – Egypt.

Workshops :
2007 organizer of Media workshop in Atelier – Alexandria - Egypt.
2005 workshop “ SPIP” project in Marseille–France ( Espace Culture Multimedia).
2005 workshop “how to be writer” project in AU-Senghor university–Alexandria.
2003 Private invitation to go to Japan to participate in work shop with japanese artists.
2002 Workshop “Imagining the book 1“ with Helmut Dirnaichner Artist from Germany Goethe Institute .
2002 workshop with Sweden Group in faculty of fine arts.
2002 WorkShop with Japanese Group – Bibliotheca Alexandria.
1999 Workshop “Memory of Alexandria“- ECUME Culture Exchange between Mediterranean Countries .
1998 Luxor’s Studio – General Organization of Cultural Palaces Luxor .
1994 Workshop in Goethe Institute - Alexandria“ the Windows “ with Pro. Klein from Germany, Dr. Farouk Wahba from Egypt.

Articles and Conferences:
2006 participated in the second lectures of cultural head board – presentation and
discussion for Multimedia artists.
2005 Participated in youth conference in 17th Youth salon – Cairo. the title is “ Youth Salon and art foundations ”.
2004 Article in Syndicate Magazine of Plastic Arts in Alexandria - Issue no.1. the title is “Infomedia Age“.
2003 Participated in first conference for The Artistic Criticism – Alexandria Atelier. the title is “ the articles of art History since 1960 to 2002 in Egypt ”.
2001 Article in Akhbar El Adab newspaper about 8thInternational Cairo Biennale.The title “Neutral view to Cairo Biennial“.
1999 Participated in the award of art Criticism – National Center for fine arts. The title “Nineties Generation and infomedia Age“.

From 1998 to 2004 he won Award for Artistic Creativity from Ministry of Culture
2003 The prize of 6th Autumn Salon.
2002 Appreciation Award in 5th Autumn Salon – Cairo.
1999 the First Prize in Criticism, National Center for Fine Arts.
1998 2 nd Prize in Painting – Biennale Port Said IV.
1998 2 nd Prize in Literature of Child – Cairo.
1996 3 rd Prize in Painting – Biennale Port Said III.
1994 the Jury Prize – 6 th Salon of Youth.

2007 organized and director of DWAYER group for arts and dialogue of cultures
2006 Organizer and coordinator of AAW international workshop 2006 – AAW / Atelier of Alexandria
2006 Commissioner of the first international youth salon 2006 in AAW / Atelier of Alexandria. 2006 preparing with the Ascendrila Association an workshop for Kinetic art with Swedish Artist Jan Cardel
2005 coordinator of Artistic programs, External Relations and web contents in Atelier of Alexandria.
2005 Commissioner of Exhibition in Alexandria Atelier.
2004 Alexandria Coordinator for Form through Light Exhibition and workshop in Atelier of Alexandria - with Dr. Mohamed Abou El-Naga the general commissioner and Dr.Mohamed Salem Alexandria commissioner.
2004 the Bibliotheca Alexandrina chose him as Alexandrian coordinator in the first international biennale for hand printed artists book with Khaled Hafiz the general Commissioner.
2002 The General Organization for Culture Palaces chose him as a Commissioner for Alexandrian Creations Exhibition - Creation Center – Alexandria, and Alexandrian Artists Exhibition - Gallery 95 – Alexandria.

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