Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rosa Jijon

Maria Rosa Jijon is an Ecuadorian artist working with photo, video, sound and
public interventions. She did her studies in Ecuador, Cuba and Sweden.

Jijon’s work deals with the idea of being a foreigner and with human mobility
in migratory contexts, hence it is based on mutual exchange and collaboration
with grassroots groups and local migrant organizations.

She is also a trainer and teacher with MUS-E a European Artistic Project, aimed at introducing art in elementary schools as a way to fight against violence.

She has attended various workshops on social and urban intervention with Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Cittadellarte Foundation, and is presently a member of El Puente
collective. Jijon has also taken part in a series of filmmaking projects regarding foreign communities in Italy.

Jijon has participated in several individual and collective international exhibitions, among them, Salon Mariano Aguilera 2007, Quito, SIART Bienal, Bolivia, 2007, Art Bus, Arco Madrid, 2007, III IDB Video Art Biennale, Washington, USA, 2006; Prague Biennale 2, 2005, I Trienal Poligrafica de San Juan, Puerto Rico 2004 , III Bienal Iberoamericana de Arte, Lima 2003 , fotoGrafia I & 2 Festival di Fotografia di Roma 2003 & 2004, Mujeres en la Plástica Ecuatoriana Casa de América, Madrid (2001); Mis Mujeres Galería Arte X Arte, Buenos Aires (2000) Encuentros Abiertos de Fotografia; Art Wired International Fotofest 2000, Houston , T.X.. ; Contemporary Ecuadorian Photography, The Camera Club of New York, 1999 and VI & VIII Bienal de Pintura de Cuenca, Ecuador, 1998 and 2004.

2003-2004: Università Roma 3, Italy, Master in Cultural Mediation and Politics.
1996-1998: Kungliga Konsthögskolan, Royal College of Fine Arts, Stockholm, Sweden; postgraduate student at the Printmaking Department.
1995: Intituto Superior de Arte, La Habana, Cuba; printmaking and theory postgraduate courses.
1990-1994: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Faculty of Fine Arts.

Spanish mother language; English, French and Italian, fluent, Rumanian and Swedish basic.

- AEQUATOR, 5th Siart Biennale, La Paz, Bolivia, October.
- Atlante Latinoamericano, Foro Nacional de las Culturas, Monterrey Mexico, Antonio Arévalo, curator. September.
- Des-figuraciones, Salon Nacional Mariano Aguilera, Quito, May, Carlos Rojas, curator.
- S/ago/me 547, Ministry of Foreign Affaires, Rome, Jan.
- Artbus, ARCO 07, Madrid, February.
- Femlink, RESISTANCE, video collage, various venues, February.

- V Festival arte en la calle, Quito, Dec.
- Freewaves, 10th Biennial Festival of Film, Video and Experimental New Media, Los Angeles, Nov.
- Diva art fair, Paris, special project, by Antonio Arévalo, Oct.
- III Inter-American Biennial of Video Art, Washington D.C.
- ENZIMI FESTIVAL 2006, Forte e Chiaro, Rome, Sept.
- III Biennale di Arti Nuove, RAID,! curator Antonio Arévalo, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, August.
- Roma Design +, Culture Hibride, curator Federica Lapaglia, ExMagazzini Generali, Rome, June.

- Agua Universo Cultural, YAKU Museo del Agua - Quito, curators Monica Vorbeck and Trinidad Perez, Quito, Dec.
- Arte Città Società, Fondazione Città dell’Arte Michelangelo Pistoletto, Venice Internacional, University, Venice, Sept.
- LA MOSSA DELLE IDEE - Videodays 2, Sala Santa Rita, Roma, curator Fiammetta Strigoli, Sept.
-Feel at Home, artwork and interventions at 317 So. Van Ness, San Francisco, California, curator Maria del Carmen Carrión, August.
- Ocaso Latino Americano “notte dei poeti”, performance, 51 Venice Biennale, curator Antonio Arévalo, July.
- Prague Biennale 2 Acción Directa, curator Marco Scotini, May.
- S/ago/me 547, Traforo di Vía Nazionale, Roma, marzo.

- Trienal Poligráfica de San Juan, Rojo, Puerto Rico curator Jose Ignacio Roca, Decemer.
- LA MOSSA DELLE IDEE - Videodays 2, Cinema Alfieri Atelier, Florence, curator Fiammetta Strigoli, December.
- Biennale Adriatica Arti Nuove, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italia, curator Antonio Arévalo, July.
- Designed for Livin’, Centro de Extension, Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, curator Antonio Arévalo, July.
- Produciendo Realidad, Chiesa di San Matteo, Lucca, Italia, curator Marco Scotini, June.
- VI Salon Internacional de arte Digital, Pablo de la Torriente Abreu, Havana, Cuba, June.
- Rojo, Semana del Ecuador en Gènova, Casa America, Génova, May
- Migranti, Foier Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma, January.
- VIII Bienal Internacional de Cuenca, International selection. Cuenca Ecuador, March. Curator Monica Vorbeck.

- Inchiostro Indelebile / Impronte a regola d’arte, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, November.
- Mostralonga, Festival Citt@rt, Venice, November.
- V Salon Internacional de arte Digital, Pablo de la Torriente Abreu, Havana, Cuba, June.
- DNA “DIESEL NEW ART”, Stockholm, Sweden, May.
- Upperground, Facoltà di Architettura - Rome 3 (ex mattatoio), May.
- FotoGrafia, II Photo Festival Rome, Calcio di Rigore, curator Antonio Arévalo, Rome, Italy, May.
- Archiviosud, Videogalleria Aleph, Rome, curators Antonio Arévalo and Maria Cristina Bastante, April.
- Upperground, University Campus, 8th DISTRIOT SPITALGASSE 2, Vienna, Austria, April.
- No Money – No Honey, Area contenitore d’arte contemporanea, curator Antonio Arévalo Palermo, Italy, January.

- Fratelli d'Italia, Galeria El Conteiner, Quito, curator Antonio Arévalo, Quito, November.
- Which reality?, Galeria Edo city, curator Sabrina Vedovotto, Rome, Italy, July.
- Da New York a Santiago del Cile, FotoGrafia 1Festival di fotografia di Roma, curator Antonio Arévalo, Roma, June.
- Andata e ritorno, Galeria ARTCO, Lima, Perù, April.
- III Bienal Iberoamericana de Lima, curator Betty Wapenstein, Lima, Peru, April.
- Andata e ritorno, Casa Hispanoamericana, Milan, Italiy, March.
- Visiones del arte digital del Ecuador, Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru, January.

- Bienal Itinerante de arte acontecimiento, Cuzco, Peru, October.
- La Huella del Grabado, Centro Cultural Universidad Católica de Quito,Quito, Ecuador. August.
- Visiones del arte digital del Ecuador, Aliance Francaise, Asunción, Paraguay, July.
- Mis Mujeres, Casa Internazionale delle Donne, Rome, Italy, May.
- Visiones del arte digital del Ecuador, Aliance Francaise, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April.
- La mujer en la plástica ecuatoriana, Casa de America, Madrid, Spain, March.

- Grabado Ecuatoriano, 2 Bienal Internacional de Lima, October.
- I Salón de Jóvenes Fotógrafos, Bogotá Colombia, June.
Mis Mujeres, Encuentros Abiertos de Fotografía, Galería Arte x
Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March.
- On the Line: Arte Digital del Ecuador, Foto Fest 2000, Galveston, TX, USA, March.
- Art Wired International, Foto Fest, University of Houston- Down Town, Houston, TX USA March, award.

- On the line: Arte Digital del Ecuador, Foto Septiembre at Houston Center for Photography, Houston, TX USA. September.
- Contemporary Ecuadorian Photography, The Camera Club, NY, USA, July.
- Real Unreal, Gallery Atelier 35, digital prints, Bucharest, Romania, April.

- ¡Ay Dios! ampárame, Bar Café El Pobre Diablo, Quito, Ecuador, November.
- VI International Art Biennale Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador, November.
- Extranjeros, Galería Art Forum, Quito, Ecuador, March.

- Främlingen, Galeri Mejan, Stockholm, Sweden, May.

- Grafik från Konsthögskolan, Grafikhusett, Stockholm, Sweden, September.

- Altars, Municipal Museum, Guayaquil, Ecuador, December.
- Exposition under construction, Universidad Católica del Ecuador, video installation, Quito, Ecuador, November.

2006-2007: Teacher for European project MU-SE.
1998-2000: Printmaking lecturer at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Fine Arts Faculty).
1994-2000: Printmaking lecturer at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty.
1994-1995: Academic coordinator at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty.

2007: Permit of Stay, 2min Femlink video collage, various venunes and countries.

2006: Forte e Chiaro, short, 5 min. Roma Medfest 2006. G2, short, 10 min. Moustafa Sohuir Prize, Italy.

2005: Tudo, short, 5 min, III IDB Video Art Biennale, La Polverera, documentary, 30 min, !0th Freewaves Festival, L.A., Roma Medfest 2006, NY INDEPENDENT FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL, NY; FIKE 2005 - Évora International Short Film Festival, Portugal, Mediterraneo Video Festival 2005, Paestum; Italia XXVII Festival Internazionale CINEMA e DONNE "Ma l'amore no" – Firenze, Ciampino Film Festival, TekFestival, Rome; Edge Festival, Rome,2006,
Intermundia 2006, Rome.

2004: TO BE OR TO FAO, documentary, 32 min, 40th International Pesaro Film Festival, Italy, June.

• Planning Committee for 1st LATIN AMERICAN COMMUNITY MIGRANT SUMMIT, Mexico 2007.
• Promotion Committee for International Campaign on Ratification of ONU Migrants Wrights Convention and European Citizenship.
• Participant in the 2nd Migrations Social Forum, Madrid, June 2006.
• Participant in the 4th World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Jan 2005.
• Participant in the 1st American Social Forum, Quito, July, 2004.
• Participant in the 2nd European Social Forum, Paris, Nov.2003.
• Member of Candelaria, Associazione Donne Immigrate, ONLUS (Women Immigrants Association), Rome.
• Promotor and lecturer in multicultural studies and multicultural education for
children and women.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Moataz El Safty

1969 Born and work in Alexandria – Egypt.
1992 Graduated from Painting Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University.
1994 Syndicate Member of Plastic Arts in Egypt.
1994 Member of “ L’Atelier “ Group of Artists and Writers .
1995 Works as Plastic Arts specialist at the Creation Hall – The General organization for culture palaces – Ministry of culture.
1996 Preparation of Master Degree .
2005 Working as a coordinator of artistic programs, External Relations and web contents coordinator in AAW / Atelier of Alexandria ( Assembly of Artists and writers ).

Current Practice:
Painting, Installation and Video art.

Solo Exhibition:
2004 One man show – Video art “Under separate cover “- Al Gezira Center – Cairo.
2002 One man show – Collage and istallation - Akhnaton Gallery – Cairo.
1999 One Man Show – Installation and painting - Akhnation Gallery - Cairo.

Group Exhibition:
2006 international Exhibition – Croatia
2006 Yearly Exhibition for Fikrun Wa Fann Salon – Goethe institute – Alexandria.
2006 Sarajevo Winter Festival
2006 " The Light " – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 National Exhibition – Art center – Cairo.
2005 2nd International Biennial “ Imagining the book “ – Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
2005 Yearly Exhibition for Fikrun Wa Fann Salon – Goethe institute – Alexandria.
2004 Form through Light project – Alexandria Atelier.
2004 Participated with Egyptian Artists group in book art biennale in Frankfort-Germany. 2004 Private invitation to participate in youth salon in Alexandria – video art “ Dreams“.
2004 3rd International Tunis Biennale – Video Installation “ the life like a coin” and “ modern civilization“.
2004 Exhibition with Egyptian artists and Italian artists in Egyptian culture center in Italy. 2003 L’Atelier de Alexandria Salon – Alexandria.
2003 6th Autumn Salon – Center of Arts – Cairo .
2003 Monochrome Exhibition – Goethe Institute – Alexandria.
2002 Artists from Alexandria – Gallery 95 –Alexandria.
2002 International Exhibition “Imagining the book 1 Biennial“ – Goethe Institute.
2002 Alexandrian Creations – Creation Center – Alexandria.
2001 8th International Cairo Biennale – Installation “Back to a civilization“.
2001 5th Autumn Salon – Cairo.
2000 Autumn Salon IV– Center of Arts – Cairo .
1999 Autumn Salon III – Center of Arts – Cairo .
1998 National Biennale of Port Said IV .
1998 Salon of Regions – the General Organization of Cultural Palaces .
1997 Salon of Regions – the General Organization of Cultural Palaces .
1997 Egyptian Youth Painters “Institute Italiano di Cultura“ Alexandria .
1996 10 Alexandrian Artists in “ El Hanager Art Center – Opera House .
1996 National Biennale of Port Said III .
1995 Egypt Culture Week – Vienna – Austria .
1994 Art Performance ( Unity between Critic and Artist ) Center of Arts and Goethe InstituteTitled “ Creative Mentality in the Frame of The Ready Made Forme “ .
1992 Alexandria World Festival – Hussien Sobhy Museum.
1992 alexandria's world festival - Alexandria
1992 – 1998 Salon of Youth ( 4th , 6th , 7th , 8th , 10th ) – Egypt.

Workshops :
2007 organizer of Media workshop in Atelier – Alexandria - Egypt.
2005 workshop “ SPIP” project in Marseille–France ( Espace Culture Multimedia).
2005 workshop “how to be writer” project in AU-Senghor university–Alexandria.
2003 Private invitation to go to Japan to participate in work shop with japanese artists.
2002 Workshop “Imagining the book 1“ with Helmut Dirnaichner Artist from Germany Goethe Institute .
2002 workshop with Sweden Group in faculty of fine arts.
2002 WorkShop with Japanese Group – Bibliotheca Alexandria.
1999 Workshop “Memory of Alexandria“- ECUME Culture Exchange between Mediterranean Countries .
1998 Luxor’s Studio – General Organization of Cultural Palaces Luxor .
1994 Workshop in Goethe Institute - Alexandria“ the Windows “ with Pro. Klein from Germany, Dr. Farouk Wahba from Egypt.

Articles and Conferences:
2006 participated in the second lectures of cultural head board – presentation and
discussion for Multimedia artists.
2005 Participated in youth conference in 17th Youth salon – Cairo. the title is “ Youth Salon and art foundations ”.
2004 Article in Syndicate Magazine of Plastic Arts in Alexandria - Issue no.1. the title is “Infomedia Age“.
2003 Participated in first conference for The Artistic Criticism – Alexandria Atelier. the title is “ the articles of art History since 1960 to 2002 in Egypt ”.
2001 Article in Akhbar El Adab newspaper about 8thInternational Cairo Biennale.The title “Neutral view to Cairo Biennial“.
1999 Participated in the award of art Criticism – National Center for fine arts. The title “Nineties Generation and infomedia Age“.

From 1998 to 2004 he won Award for Artistic Creativity from Ministry of Culture
2003 The prize of 6th Autumn Salon.
2002 Appreciation Award in 5th Autumn Salon – Cairo.
1999 the First Prize in Criticism, National Center for Fine Arts.
1998 2 nd Prize in Painting – Biennale Port Said IV.
1998 2 nd Prize in Literature of Child – Cairo.
1996 3 rd Prize in Painting – Biennale Port Said III.
1994 the Jury Prize – 6 th Salon of Youth.

2007 organized and director of DWAYER group for arts and dialogue of cultures
2006 Organizer and coordinator of AAW international workshop 2006 – AAW / Atelier of Alexandria
2006 Commissioner of the first international youth salon 2006 in AAW / Atelier of Alexandria. 2006 preparing with the Ascendrila Association an workshop for Kinetic art with Swedish Artist Jan Cardel
2005 coordinator of Artistic programs, External Relations and web contents in Atelier of Alexandria.
2005 Commissioner of Exhibition in Alexandria Atelier.
2004 Alexandria Coordinator for Form through Light Exhibition and workshop in Atelier of Alexandria - with Dr. Mohamed Abou El-Naga the general commissioner and Dr.Mohamed Salem Alexandria commissioner.
2004 the Bibliotheca Alexandrina chose him as Alexandrian coordinator in the first international biennale for hand printed artists book with Khaled Hafiz the general Commissioner.
2002 The General Organization for Culture Palaces chose him as a Commissioner for Alexandrian Creations Exhibition - Creation Center – Alexandria, and Alexandrian Artists Exhibition - Gallery 95 – Alexandria.

Youssef Limoud

Nationali: Egyptian / Swiss - 1964
Study: Faculty of fine arts-Cairo 1981 - 1986.
Kunst Akademie Düsseldorf 1991 – 1992.
- Gallery, Al Sawi“, Kairo 1990.
- Gallery, La part de sable“ 1990.
- A grant by Christoph Merian Foundation- Basel 1990.
- Gallery, Messmer, Basel 1990.
- An Exhibition in The Building of Work and unemployment- Pratteln- Basel 1991.
- Gallery, 12c4, Paris 1992.
- Gallery, Messmer, Basel 1992.
- Gallery, Mashrabia, Kairo 1992.
- Gallery, Messmer, Basel 1997.
- Gallery, Mashrabia, Kairo 1999.
- Gallery, Mashrabia, Kairo 2003.
- Gallery Transart. Boncourt/JU.Schwiez 2005.
- Fourth Biennial of contemporary Painting of the Islamic World 2006.
- International Media And Light Arts (AMALA) Workshop in Alexandria, Aegyten 2007.
- The African American Museum, New Orleans, USA, November 2007.
Studies Trrips:
1992, 1994, 1997, 2000 - Indien, Nepal und Südostasien

Reem Hassan

Personal information:
1971 Born, Lives and works in Alexandria.
Lecturer in Fine Art University – painting dep.
2007 Member Board of DWAYER Group for Arts and Culture Dialogue.
2006 Member Board of Atelier of Alexandria .
2004 PHD in philosophy of arts - Alexandria University.
2001 Master of fine arts – Alexandria University.
1994 Bachelor of Fine arts - Alexandria University.
1990, 95Free studies at l'Atelier d'Alexandrie – Alexandria.

Solo Exhibition:
2006 Goethe Institute – Alexandria.
2003 LA-BODIGA Karim Francis – contemporary art gallery – Cairo.
2001 Akhenaton gallery – Cairo.
1999 Akhenaton gallery – Cairo.
1997 Arts center at Rotterdam in Dwenda – Netherlands.
1993 Goethe institute – Germany.

Group Exhibitions:
2007 National Exhibition for Egyptian art – Art Palace – Cairo .
2007 Points – Atelier of Alexandria – Alexandria .
2006 The Egyptian Culture week in Dubai – UAE.
2006 The Egyptian contemporary art exhibition – Rome – Italy.
2006 The 9th International Photography Gathering – Aleppo – Syria .
2005 Book imagination Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Alexandria.
2004 Book Fair – Frankfort – Germany.
2003 Panorama of 20th century Egyptian Art – 100years -100artist - Bibliotheca Alexandrina. 2003 small art works salon – 6th Akhenaton galleries - Cairo.
2002 Book imagination Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Alexandria.
2002 Community Services Association – Cairo.
2002 Sophienieh Gallery- Cartage – Tunisia.
2002 Egyptian Academy – Rome – Italy.
2001 8th International Cairo Biennial – Cairo.
1997 Alexandria biennial for Mediterranean Sea countries.
1997 Contemporary Egyptian art exhibition – Vienna – Austria.
1997 Egyptian cultural week – Sousa – Tunisia.
1997 Contemporary Egyptian painting – Sofia – Bulgaria.
1996 Arab women artists at Amman - Jordan.
1995 9th Youth biennial – Avinida – Argentina.

2007 Artists Residency Program – Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Alexandria .
2004 Greatmore Studios – Cape Town – South Africa.
2002 Egyptian academy – Rome – Italy.
1998 Luxor studios – A place inspiration study – Luxor.
1997 Art Residency – Rotterdam –Netherlands.
1993 Academy of fine arts – Munich – Germany.

Art Performances:
2006 How to be the others – video performance, Alexandria .
2004 Under Separate Cover – video performance- Cairo.
1994 performance with artist Aliaa ElGreedy - Akhenaton gallery.
1993 performance – Goethe institute – Alexandria.

Workshop conductor:
2007 Training Program for students – Alexandria – Egypt .
2007 1st International Women Workshop – Alexandria – Egypt.
2006 AAW International workshop – 2006 – Alexandria – Egypt.
2006 workshop with the children about the Book Art (monotype Print and collage) - Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
2003 Cross genre art – work shop Included in the small art works salon Experimental project (Things within a scene). with five Egyptian artists ( Nora Amin – Amina Mansour – Zinab Khalifa – Doa Ali – Salwa Rashad ) – Akhenaton Gallery – Cairo.

2007 International Encounters on Arts and Multimedia – RAMI – Alexandria.
2007 2nd International Women Workshop – Kouna Trust – Kanya .
2007 Sino graphic workshop for the play The Downfall Of The Egotist Fatzer by Bertolt Brecht – directed by Thomas Roth and Nora Amin – Berlin – Germany.
2006 The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Second International Biennale for the Artist's book Engraving and etching print making and Traditional binding - Alexandria art center.
2005 Formation de redacteures pour la publication en ligne de sites Web sous système SPIP ( Logiciel Libre ) formation propose parle CFCC du caire ( Environnement francophone ), L`ECM de la Friche la Belle de Mai ( action animanet) , en partenariat avec l`université Senghor - Alexandrie.
2004 Triangle Art Association – Dumbo – Brooklyn – NY – USA.
2002 Book imagination Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Alexandria.
2002 Cartage – scholarship in cooperation with E.C.U.M. – And local government of Cartage. 2001 Workshop with the Japanese artist Satoshi Hasigawa – L'Atelier d'Alexandrie.
1999 Impressions about Alexandria - General organization of culture palaces And E.C.U.M. 1997 Art studios – Rotterdam –Netherlands.
1994 Still and Movement – workshop with the German artist Fred h. Klein and the artist Farouk Wahba –Goethe institute Alexandria.

Extracurricular Activities:
2007 Trainer for the workshop in mixed media with women – GUDRAN FOR ART AND DEVELOPMENT – ALEXANDRIA.
2006 summer courses with the children in Atelier of Alexandria.
2004 workshop with Manyno School students in mural painting – Cape Town.
2004 workshop with GUDRAN for art and development in art print.
2004 Teaching at GUDRAN for art and development- EL MAX.
2003 Teaching at L'Atelier in EL MARSSAM –Alexandria.
2001-2002 Teaching at the free department, the faculty of fine arts – Alexandria University. 1995-1999 Supervision at the Appreciation palace studio – General Organization of culture palaces.
1992-1995 Assistant for Dr. Farouk Wahba in teaching at L'Atelier D'Alexandrie studio.

Conference and Seminars:
2007 conference “culture of the Image “ – Philadelphia University – Amman , Jordon.
2006 conference " the creation of women between the realities and the change of age " – Atelier of Alexandria – Alexandria .
2006 Ministry of Culture , The High committee for the plastic Art – Seminars about the matter of the Modernism and Post Modernism.
2005 Conference about the women with creations – Assyot University.
2003 The Atelier of Alexandria 1st Art Criticism – Alexandria.

2003 A.I.C.A. award at the 6th small art works salon – Cairo.
2001 Special award at the 8th Cairo international biennial - Cairo.
2001 Grand prize of Port saieed national biennial – Port saieed.
2000 4th small art works salon – Cairo.
1997 Jury award – Alexandria biennial for Mediterranean Countries.
1996 3rd Award of painting – 8th salon of Youth – Cairo.
1996 Admiration award – 3rd Port saieed national biennial.
1994 2nd award – Installation – 6th salon of youth - Cairo.
1994 1st award – Installation - L'Atelier d'Alexandrie salon of youth.
1993 1st award deserving - L'Atelier d'Alexandrie salon of youth.
1991 Encouragement award L'Atelier d'Alexandrie salon of youth.

Art Administration:
2007 Dwayer international visual arts workshop for women – Alexandria.
2007 International Encounters on Arts and Multimedia - RAMI – Lebanon.
2007 Safar fund meeting for the Arab world – Amman , Jordon. 2006 1st International Artists Workshop – Alexandria.

- Richard Woffenden “ Best of art “ Cairo Times .1-7 april 2004 Marilou Knode , “Local Conditions, Western Forms “ Art In America , January 2002 p.51-55
“ L` Ecume des Jours” – Le Quotidien , vendredi 20 september 2002 .
Youssef Rakha,” Piecing the Biennale Puzzle “ Al Ahram weekly , 26 april – 30 May 2001 Tarek El Taher “ Reem The Awards hunter “ Akhbar el Youm 25 Feb.2002 Moataz El Safty “Neutral view to Cairo Biennial “ Khbar Aladab , 8 april 2001.
Tarek El Taher “ 4 Egyptian Artists got The Biennale Awards” Akhbar El Adab – 25 Marsh 2001 .
Khaled Hafez “Artist with clarity “The Middle East Times, oct 1996.

Ministry of Culture – Cairo Cartage local government - Tunisia.
Museum of modern art – Cairo.
Royal museum – Jordan.
Private acquisitions of persons in: Jordan – Netherlands – Tunisia – Germany – France - Egypt –South Africa.

Aliaa El-Gready

Born in: Alexandria – Egypt 1968
88- 95 – Artistic studies in Alexandria Atelier, supervised by Prof / Farouk Wahba
-Artistic consultant of Gudran Association for Art and Development.
-Artistic consultant Of the culture resource NGO (El Mawred El Thkafy).

Private exhibitions:
2000: Ornaments exhibition in Cairo Atelier.
1999: Eljeezira center for art. 1997: Performance in Egyptian Academy – Rome.
1997: installation -Casta Gallery – Rome.
1994: German cultural institute (Goethe) - Bon.
1993: performance in El-Zamalek art centre.

Jewelries exhibitions and work shops:
2005: exhibition in Jeezira center- Cairo
2004: work shops with women in -el max- Alexandria
2002: Private exhibition –Gudran office- 9 Marof str.Cairo.
2002: Private exhibition - nady el sayd- Cairo.
2001: ROCKS exhibition- EL Jeezira center-EL-Zamalek-Cairo.
2001: work shop with women in- Aswan youth center. Egypt
2000: work shop with students of (faculty of applied Arts) sharing with (Goethe).
: Exhibition in El-Jeezira center –result of work shop.
2000: collective exhibition-with artist Sahar El-Amer- Atelier - Cairo.
1999: Private exhibition-in (Bossy Cat- Atelier)El Mohandseen - Cairo.
1999: From nature exhibition - Atelier - Cairo.
1999: collective exhibition –town house-Cairo.
1997: Private exhibition- Casta Gallery – Rome.

Collective exhibitions:
2007: L'Athelier D'Alexandrie, Annul exhibition.
2006: Eljeezira art center - Jewelries.
2000: Cairo artistic festival – El-netak – Egypt
1999: Alexandria Binally 21st 1995: Cairo Binally 5th.
90-99: Cairo's saloons for youth.
90-93: Alexandria Atelier.

2006 : Cent Livre objets pour Senghor, Dakar- Senegal.
2006 : workshop with the youth and women in Frkadona village Greece.
2000-2004: work shops with children, women and youth in El-max fishermen village, with Gudran for Art and Development.
1999-2000: Work with El-warsha theatrical group with Jesuit culture centre in El-Minia
1999: work shop with Cairo children in Town house gallery.
1998: workshops for Old Cairo children with Evangelical organization.

Field work:
2000-2006: Sharing in establishing and running Gudran association for art and development. 2006: The artistic consulting for the international Artistic meeting "EL-AKHDAR, A Garden 4 All",Alexandria Egypt.
2004: organizing an international Artistic meeting Bostashy 01 .
2003: participating in urban secnography project in Dualla – new bill – Cameroon.
1998: Artistic Culture project in El Hagara str. to develop the life with children.

2005: best artistic project for social change from Fondazione Pistolleto, Italy.
2003: social peace prize from European Union – Euro med youth, with Gudran.
1999: Alexandria Binally 21st.
1997: internship in Egyptian Academy – Rome.
1995: Cairo Binally 5th for installation.
90-99: Cairo's saloons for youth
90-93: Alexandria Atelier.