Thursday, June 26, 2008

Janet Van Fleet


Janet Van Fleet is a mixed-media artist working in Vermont, USA. She is a founder of a community center for the visual arts in Barre, Vermont called Studio Place Arts (SPA) that shows art and rents spaces for artist studios. Her work uses simple materials (found objects made by humans or natural forces) and simple forms (like the circle and the oval) to explore questions about truth, justice, and our place in the universe.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Antonio Martino


Antonio Martino, young indipendent filmmaker, lives and works in Bologna. After graduating from the DAMS in 2004 and having collaborated with NGO (ANPAS Emilia Romagna, Gruppo YODA) and other volunteer associations, he shoots, thanks to the “revolution” of the new digital technology, “Fatma Aba-ad. Come ho imparato ad amare i Saharawi”, made in the Sahara desert in a Saharawi refugees camp. He collaborates with POLIVISIONI, group of independent filmmakers which in 2003, have to face the problem of censorship in Italy when shooting the documentary “Siamo Fatti cosí” with the participation of Freak Antoni, singer of the Skiantos Rock Band, as main actor. From 2004 onward, the enquiry of the reality becomes his main objective, taking him to difficult places and subjects. His documentaries are transformed in a conscious eye and his images become enquiry. In 2005, he arrives to the Chernobyl’ s nuclear reactor and shoots “Noi siamo l’aria non la terra”, showing the current conditions of life and the consequences suffered by the population living in the area, 18 years after the catastrophe. The documentary is selected in many national and international festivals. During the winter of 2006, he shoots “Blu Panorama” in the surroundings of the CPA/CPT of Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Crotone, Italy. The film shows the escape of the illegal immigrants from the camps where they were provisionally allocated. Immediately after, in order to understand the root causes of the series of criminal acts perpetrated by young Rumanians in Italy, he decides to analyze the conditions of life of children living in a society trying to get over of the horror of the Ceausescu regime. With only a small handy-cam and almost “zero” budget, he shoots “Gara de Nord_copii pe strada”, living with some Bucharest’s street children during one month. In this way, he opens a window to the terrible reality of these children, who live in the underground canals of the city during the winter and in the street during the summer, victims of pedophilia (frequently perpetrated by foreign tourists), drug abuse and the bad treatment of their parents The film received several awards, among them the prestigious Ilaria Alpi 2007. The film has been brodcasted by the Rai 3 and Rai news 24, Italian television channels. In February 2007 he shoots “Pancevo_mrtav grad”, a reportage filmed in Europe’s most contaminated city: Pancevo, in Serbia, near to Belgrade. The video talks about the consequences of the bombing of former Yugoslavia’s biggest industrial complex by the NATO forces during the 1999 war. The heavy bombings that caused one of the most terrible ecological catastrophes during the last century, were supported and authorized by Al Gore, recently awarded with Peace Nobel Prize 2007. “Pancevo_mrtav grad” received the Special Mention Legambiente at Cinemambiente International Festival Torino 2007, Best documentary award at Corto Imola film festival, Imola 2007 and Best documentary Award at Visioni Italiane film festival, Bologna 2007. “Noi siamo l’aria non la terra” 2005, “Gara de Nord_copii pe strada” 2006, “Pancevo_mrtav grad” 2007 are part of the East’s Trilogy Project , which analyze the relation between man and environment/ambient. Antonio Martino has also collaborated with several international networks such as ARD and 3SAT German Televisions, , SG film proction, New York , and he currently works for RAI Italian Television. He also collaborates with Bologna National Cineteque, the Alberto Grifi Italian Association, Home Movies Italian Association, Pistoletto Art Foundation, Mercenaro film production and Torino Polytechnic Institute.
Moreover he held seminars and workshop at Belgrade Anthropology University Faculty, at Alma Mater Bologna University and in many Italian high schools.
In September 2007 he was officially honoured by the Italian Republic President, Giorgio Napolitano, for the “high cultural and social valiance” of his works.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Anya Liftig


(1977) Born Norwalk, Connecticut, USA

Lives/Works: Westport, Connecticut

2004 Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, Master of Fine Arts
Photography and Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance and Installation

1999 Yale University, New Haven, CT, Bachelor of Arts
Major in English Literature and Concentrations in Theater and Art

Solo Exhibitions:
2008 District Nest Street, Chashama Art Foundation, New York, New York

2006 Collusion, The Tank, New York, New York
Woven Room, collaboration with Angus Galloway, Part of The American Living Room Festival,

HERE Arts Center, 3LGdDog Art and Technology Center, New York, New York

2004 Unravel, Garage Projects, Stable 1897, Atlanta, GA
Everything I Own, Youngblood Gallery, Atlanta, GA
self-evidence, MFA Thesis Show, Gallery I, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

2003 Baby Invasion, Eyedrum Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Early and Instant Blue, The Cage, Atlanta, GA

2000 Ganderbill Holler, Abrons Art Center, Henry Street Settlement, New York, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions:
2008 Figment, Performance Festival, Governor’s Island, New York, New York
Kindergarten, Manhattan Open Center, curated by Aegi Park, New York, NY
Hersteria, Metropolitan College of New York, curated by Dr. Faye Ran, New York, NY

2007 Body Politic, Open Luggage, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Body Politic, Pathogeograhies, Mess Hall, Chicago, IL
Open, Movement Research, New York, NY
Smut, Galapagos Art Space, Brooklyn, New York
Vernissage! Ad Nausea Lyceum, Chashama Art Space, New York, NY

2006 Visualizing TRANSCulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Visual Culture, Madison, WI
Deconstruction/Reconstruction: The Family Experience, Museum of Fine Art, Florida State
University, (catalog)

2005 Crate Breaking, YoYo Art Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia

2004 d.u.m.b.o. arts festival, curated by d.u.m.b.o. arts center, Brooklyn, New York
Fabrications, juried by Janet Bloch, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
Me, My Self-Eye, Best in Show, juried by Lisa Kurzner, B Plex, Atlanta, GA
CAC Juried Exhibition, juried by Jenny Holzer, Contemporary Artists Center,
North Adams, MA, May 2004
So Atlanta, Atlanta Contemporary Art Center, curated by Helena Reckitt and Felicia Feaster,

2003 Refrigerator Show, Fifth Class, Nono Gallery Atlanta, GA
International Human Rights Prize, w/Birgit Ramsauer, Nuremberg, Germany
Atlanta Alternative Arts Festival, Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center, Atlanta, GA
46th Chautauqua New York National Juried Exhibition, juried by Michael Gitliz
Stalkers: a Kitchen Sink Joint, Mama Buzz Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Emergency Room, White Space, Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Celebrates Photography, Atlanta, GA juried by Jean Dyjkstra
A Shot in the Dark, Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center, curated by Alex Kvares, Atlanta, GA

2002 Video Show, Saltworks Gallery, Atlanta, GA, October
Humanity Photo Award, UNESCO and UN, Beijing, China,
No Agenda but Their Own, Dalton Gallery Agnes Scott College, curated by Jerry Cullum, Atlanta, GA(catalog)
All Small, Eyedrum Gallery, Atlanta, GA, curated by Lisa Alembik
Georgia Photographers Only, Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, GA, juried by Howard Greenberg
Voices From Home, Appalshop National Touring Exhibition 2001-2002 w/ Wendy Ewald and Earl Dotter (San Antonio, Anchorage, Denver, New York)

Selected Bibliography:
NHK Japan Public Television, “New York Streets,” Performance Art Special, Featured Artist, May 2008

Lithgow, Michael, “A Suitcase of Politics—Baggage or a Box of Tools,” Artthreat Magazine, May 2007

Wylder, Viki Thompson, “The Family Experience,” Catalog Essay, Florida State University, Museum of Fine Arts, April 2006

Hawkins, Margaret, “Fabrications,” Chicago Sun-Times, October 10, 2004

Parker, Diantha, “Hello Beautiful” National Public Radio, Chicago Public Radio, October 9, 2004

Herman, Jessica, “Material Girls,” Newcity Chicago, October 6, 2004

Oppenheim, Phil, “Reviews: Atlanta, Georgia,” Art Papers. September/October 2004, 41.

Cullum, Jerry, “Snapshots of Offbeat,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 14, 2004, 32.

Cullum, Jerry, “Home is where the art is, Catch speed of Atlanta life: Does anyone have time?”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, April 18, 2004

Cullum, Jerry, “Baby Boom Delivers Big Shock Value,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 16, 2003

Feaster, Felicia, “Outside the Box,” Creative Loafing, September 3, 2003

Feaster, Felicia, “Self-Examination,” Creative Loafing, October 23, 2002

Feaster, Felicia, “Vision Quest,” Creative Loafing, August 14, 2003

Fox, Catherine, “In Agnes Scott Show, Feminism and Other Issues,” Atlanta-Journal Constitution, September 20, 2002

Krowell, Miranda. “Inside View,” American Photo on Campus, Vol 8, No 1, January 2004, 26.
(Featured Portfolio)

Lewis, James, “An Eye for Art,” Urbanite, Vol 3, No. 8, October 21, 2004, 9.

Martin, Laura, Recycled Crafts Box, North Adams: Storey Press, 2004, 69.

McKoy, Claudia, “Mix Gallery,” Mix Magazine, V28.3 Winter 2003, 41. (Cover image and Portfolio)

Schwartzman, Nancy, “The Whole Megillah: Mountain Mamaleh” Heeb Magazine, No 4, Fall 2003, 11.

Stewart, Kathleen, “Scenes of Life/Kentucky Mountains,” Public Culture, Vol 14, No 2, Durham: Duke University Press, 2002, 349.

The Atlanta Poet’s Group, Anya Liftig’s Baby Invasion: A Poem in Reply, Atlanta: 3rdness Press, 2003.

Farmhouse Magazine, “Cambodia,” Summer 2008

Westport Magazine, “Drama King,” October 2007

Carolina Quarterly, “Ganderbill Holler,” Essay, Portfolio and Cover, Spring 2007

Yale Alumni Magazine, “Alexander Murphy,” October/November 2006

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Jane and Michael Stern,” September 6, 2006

Kitchen Sink Magazine, “Stalking Myself,” The Stalker Issue, Photo Essay and Article, June 2003

Fly-fishing the Forty First Parallel, author photograph for James Prosek, Harper Collins, 2003

Shots 78, “Bangkok, Thailand,” Spring 2003

Science Scope, National Science Teachers Association, “Editor’s Notes,” June 2003

The Piedmont Review, “Catch a Rising Artist,” Atlanta, Georgia, May 2002

The New York Times Magazine, “Lives,” text and photographs, April 15, 2001

Now and Then Magazine, Eastern Tennessee State University, “Ganderbill Holler,” April 2001

Green Mountain Review, Johnson, Vermont, “Kentucky,” Spring 2001

Westport Magazine, “Getting it Right,” November 2000

USA Today, “Now That’s American Food,” Images of Jane and Michael Stern, August 19, 2000

Collages and Bricollages, “Thailand” Fall 2000

Now and Then Magazine, Eastern Tennessee State University “A Clear Connection,” Summer 2000

Southern Exposure, Institute for Southern Studies “Dana and the Boys,” Spring/Summer 2000

Billboard, “Troutband,” New and Noteworthy, March 15, 2000

Gourmet Magazine, “Jane and Michael Stern,” various dates

Professional Experience:
Global Gap Year Manager, Rustic Pathways Australia, Creation and Direction of innovative, experiential Gap Year Programs in fourteen countries around the globe encompassing community service, cultural exchange and curriculum, 2007-2008

Photography Instructor, Rustic Pathways Australia, Taught photography courses in Burma, Thailand Cambodia, India and Vietnam, 2007

Private Educator and College Consultant, Carnegie/Pollack Company, Greenwich, CT 2005-present

Visiting Artist, Performance Studies and Photography, Denison University, Lectures, Projects,
Studio Visits, March-April 2007

Photography Instructor, Emory University College Prep Summer Program, “Beginning Photography,” ASA
College Programs, June/July 2004-2005

Photography Instructor, Atlanta College of Art, Pre-College Studio Program, Art Studio
Intensive Institute, June/July 2003-2005

Instructor of Record, Graduate Teaching Assistant, designed course syllabus, “Photography II,”
Georgia State University, Spring 2004, Fall 2003

Instructor of Record, Graduate Teaching Assistant, designed course syllabus, “Photography I,”
Georgia State University, Summer 2003, Spring 2003

Photography Instructor and Guest Critic, Showcase School, Atlanta, GA
“The Portrait Project,” “Advanced Critique,” Summer 2001-Spring 2003

Graduate Advisor, Art Student Union, Georgia State University, April 2002-May 2003
Organized Visiting Artist Program, (Deborah Willis, Wendy Ewald, Carolyn Ottmers,) handled $10,000 budget, worked with faculty and administration to coordinate social events and produced official School of Art and Design calendar

Writing and Research Intern, Nexus Press, Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center, Summer 2002
Reviewed every book published by the Nexus Press over the past twenty-five years for publication in an upcoming monograph about the organization

Gallery Assistant, Georgia State University Art and Design Galleries, September 2001-2002
Assisted Gallery Director in all aspects of gallery management, conducted inventory of
Campus distribution of gallery holdings, handled insurance and shipping duties, Organized installation and de-installation of work, handled publicity and editing of written material

Opposition Field Research, New York State, Photographer and Videographer, Hillary Clinton 2000 Campaign, Spring 2000

Paralegal, Private Client Department, Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft, New York,
New York, January 2000-May 2000

Senior Interviewer, Yale University Admissions Office, Summer 1998-Winter 1999

Grants, Residencies, Fellowships and Awards:
Casa Tres Patios, Artist Residency, Medellin, Colombia, December, 2008
Fieldspace, Summer Workshop Space Grant, The Field, New York, NY, 2008
Vermont Studio Center, Artist Fellowship, October 2007
University of Chicago, Visiting Artist-Body Politic, May 2007
Vail Visiting Artist Program, Denison University, Spring 2007
Ernest Welch Graduate Award in Photography, Georgia State University. 2004, 2003
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Georgia State University 2002-2003
Nexus Press, Internship Fellowship, Summer 2002
Martha Wren Gaines Fellowship for Research in the Lucy Draper ERA Archive, Summer 2002
Adrian Van Sinderan Book Collecting Prize, 1999 and 1997, Beineke Library, Yale University
Richter Summer Travel Grant to France, Morse College, Summer 1998, Yale University
Sudler Grant for the Performing Arts, 1997-1998, Yale University
Saint Anthony Hall Educational Grant, Spring 1997, Yale University
Discover Card National Tribute Award (one of nine in the nation) $15,000 scholarship, May 1994

Professional Organizations
College Art Association
Saint Anthony Trust Organization
Elizabethan Society Of Yale University
Academy of American Poets

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nathan Stevens



Born 1982 in Maine, USA. Currently works and resides in Perth, Western Australia and Skowhegan, Maine, USA.


Doctor of Philosophy: Communications & Contemporary Art, 2010

Bachelor of Fine Arts: Sculpture & Installation Art, 2006
Bachelor of Arts: New Media, 2006


25th Annual Sculpture Survey, Gomboc Gallery, Middle Swan, WA, Australia, 2008
Margaret River Shorts, Margaret River Cultural Centre, Margaret River, WA, Australia, 2008
Collect, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 2007
Megabytes 5, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 2007
Small Movements, The Harlow Gallery, Hallowell, Maine, USA, 2006
Plugged In III, SPACE Gallery, Portland, Maine, USA, 2006
Plugged In III, Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport, Maine, USA, 2006
Spring Exhibition, Sanctuary Gallery, Portland, Maine, USA, 2006
Environmental Perspectives, Leonard Craig Gallery, Unity, Maine, USA, 2006
In The Road, Carnegie Galleries, Orono, Maine, USA, 2005
PhotoWorks, Boyd Place Gallery, Bangor, Maine, USA, 2005
Form460, Twin City Plaza, Brewer, Maine, USA, 2005
Student Exhibition, Carnegie Galleries, Orono, Maine, USA, 2005
Maine International Film Festival, Waterville Opera House, Waterville, Maine, USA, 2004
NY Underground Film Festival, Rififi Cinema Classic, New York, New York, USA, 2003


International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia 2008
Full Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont, USA, 2007
Juror’s Award, Environmental Perspectives, 2006
Juror’s Award, Student Exhibition, 2006
High Honors, The Department of Art, The University of Maine, USA 2006
Juror’s Award, PhotoWorks, 2005
The Levielle Scholarship Award, The University of Maine, USA 2005
The Haystack Mountain School of Crafts Scholarship Award, 2005


Walker, H. (2007). “Small Shows, Big Discoveries”. The Albuquerque Journal, p. S8.
Browne, A. (2006, Mar. 04) “Voices”. WERU Community Radio 89.9FM.
Martulmarch, K. (2006). The Maine Review, p. 38.
Churchill, C. (2006, Feb. 05). “Young at Art”. Kennebec Journal, p. A1.
Griffin, D. (2005, Dec. 12). “End of the Road”. The Maine Campus, p. 10.


Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont, USA, 2007
Four-Week Artist Residency, Full Fellowship

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine, USA, 2005
Three-Week Glassblowing Workshop, Work-study

Alaskan Folk Festival, Juneau, Alaska, USA, 2003, 2005
Two-Week Digital Video Documentary Workshop

Tofino Botanical Gardens and Sculpture Park, British Columbia, Canada, 2003
Four-Week Artist Residency, Work-study

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Melissa Steckbauer



Born in Tucson AZ, US. 1980

-University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison Wisconsin. B.F.A. (Expected 2007)
-University Utrecht, Utrecht Netherlands. Fall 2006-2007
-University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, Wausau Wisconsin. 2002-2004
-Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco California. SAR 2001

Selected Awards
-Artist Grant Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont
-Illuminations Artist Award
-Donors Award for purchase of "Dogjaw" by University of Wisconsin-Marathon County
-Committee Choice Award 77th Annual Juried Student Art Show
-Edith L. Gilbertson Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
-Anita Appel Artist Award University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, Wausau Wisconsin
-Carlton Hill Memorial Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, Wausau Wisconsin
-Carlton Hill Memorial Scholarship University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, Wausau Wisconsin

Selected Exhibitions
-Runde#2, Rathaus Weißensee, Berlin Germany, July 8-29
-Dress You Up in My Love, Waschhaus Galerie, Berlin Germany, July 20-27
-Wisconsin Public Television live auction, broadcast May 29
-Girl to Woman featuring Filter Translation Device at the Overture Center, Madison Wisconsin. October 19 2006-January 5
-Farm Sanctuary's 20th Anniversary Gala, Cipriani Wall Street, New York New York. May 20
-We're Free Social Justice Center, Madison Wisconsin. April 3-May 1st
-The Advanced Painting Workshop Presents: Paintings From the Future Seventh Floor Gallery University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison Wisconsin April 29-May 4
-Harrell Fletcher at the University of Wisconsin Marathon County: Humans at War, Wausau Wisconsin, November
-All Bound Up ONE9ZERO6 Gallery, San Antonio, Texas. October 8-October 31 (solo)
-Madame Vim Seventh Floor Gallery University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison Wisconsin. October 8-October 13. A show benefiting the Rape Crisis Center of Madison Wisconsin
-PETA's 25th Anniversary Auction, Paramount Pictures Los Angeles California, September 10
-Succulence of Starlight M&I Bank, The Gallery Spot, Wausau, Wisconsin. July 8-July 30 (solo)
-The Curious Twelve Seventh Floor Gallery University Wisconsin-Madison Humanities Building, Madison Wisconsin. April 30-May 5
-Spotlight on Local Artists; University Wisconsin
-Marathon County Student Art Expo Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau Wisconsin. May
-Newberry Creativity Show Arhnsbrak Room, University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, Wausau Wisconsin. April

-art neutopia Issue 1,, Spring 2007
-Illumination: The Undergraduate Journal of Humanities Spring 2006 Issue
-Illumination: The Undergraduate Journal of Humanities Spring 2005 Issue

-The Kinsey Institute, Bloomington Indiana
-The University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, Wausau Wisconsin

Events and Employment
-The Dutch Pavillion at The Venice Biennale, Venice Italy. August 2007

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Samaa Ibrahim Ali


Date of birth: 1/1/1975
Place of birth: Alexandria, Egypt

Current job:
Décor designer – theatre management, the Egyptian opera house.

Previous Jobs:
- Pantomime trainer in the university and the administrating of theatre instruction.
- Music teacher in El Manar School 1998 -1999.
- A part time music teacher in the high institute of music.
- A trainer of a theater workshop for women with Naseej Project, Organized by Gudran Association for Art and Development in El Max from April 1st to September 30th 2007.

Education qualifications:
- BA of Fine Arts – painting department (Good) – Alexandria University 1997.
- Diploma of Artistic Criticism - Plastic Criticism Department (Excellent) – Academy of Arts – Cairo El Haram.

In Plastic Art:
- 2007: A training course in video editing – the British cultural centre – Dokki – Cairo, Egypt.
- 2006: Participating in the photography exhibition accompanying the international day for fighting HIV in the British cultural center – Dokki – Cairo, Egypt (a photograph "El Cipher" The Zoro).
- 2005: A photogram workshop and exhibition in Goethe Institute.
- 2202: An appreciating certificate for the performance in the 15th Salon of youth – Art Place- the Egyptian opera house.
- 2002: Participating in the 4th Nile Salon for photography – Art Place – the Egyptian opera house.
- 2002: The exhibition accompanying the conference of Arab woman (performance installation) – Arts place – the Egyptian opera house.
- 2002: Am appreciating certificate for performance in the 14th Salon of youth – Arts place – the Egyptian opera house.
- 2002: Participating in Nagy Salon (painting) – El Anfoushy Culture palace – Alexandria, Egypt.
- 1997: Exhibition of graduating projects (painting, drawing) L' Atelier Alexandria, Egypt.
- 1997: Autumn Salon for miniature (painting) Arts community – Zamalek-Cairo, Egypt.
- 1996: An Artistic workshop (drawing, photography) – Luxor, Egypt.
- 1996: An exhibition of works about Siwa (painting) Hussein Sobhi Museum – Alexandria, Egypt.
- 1995: An Artistic workshop (drawing, photography) – Siwa, Egypt.
- 1995: An Artistic workshop (drawing, photography) – Rashid, Egypt.
- 1995: Salon of L' Atelier (painting) – Alexandria, Egypt.
- 1994: exhibition of El Anfoushy culture palace (engraving) – Alexandria, Egypt.
- 2002, 2003: The governmental dedications grant (plastic art, painting).

Designing decors, accessories and costumes of several shows produced by the ministry of culture, from which:
- 2004: Designing and executing the décor of the international festival of song – Alexandria, Egypt.
- 2000: Executing the décor and costumes of the play "El Fashoush" Suiz culture palace.
- 1999: Designing décor, accessories and costumes of the play "The king of beggars" – Paul Kelly culture palace Alexandrina, Egypt.
- 1998: Designing décor, accessories and costumes of the play "Little K and little H" – theater club Alexandria, Egypt.

Critical reviews in daily pamphlets of different festivals.

Other artistic activities:
- Founder of "Skymime" group of pantomime in 1995.
- A director and actress of several pantomime show e.g. (the addict, perhaps..why not?, a moment, robber and robbed, little K and little H, red tape, three and you can choose, natural wins).
- Music teacher in (the European institute of music, el manar national school, right to live association).
- Pantomime trainer in the educational administration of Alexandria, Egypt.
- Researcher in the national center of theater – Cairo, Egypt.
- Executive director of the play (Habibti ya…) by the director Samir El Asfouri – the modern theater 2000.

Theater Festivals and Awards:
- 2007: The second monodrama festival in El Sawy cultural wheel with (The Red Tape) the award of the best show in performance and directing.
- 2006: The second pantomime festival in El Sawy cultural wheel with (This or That?) – The third best show and the award of best performance.
- 2006: The festival of Egyptian She-Directors, organized by the general administration at culture palace with (The Red Tape).
- 2005: The first pantomime festival in El Sawy cultural wheel with (Three and you can choose!) – The a ward of the best show.
- 2004: The week of civilization exchange between Egypt and Italy – Alexandria, Egypt.
- 2003: The week of independent groups in Cairo international book fair.
- 2002: the first festival of independent theatre groups in Alexandria Bibliotheca with (Touching or in touch?).
- 2002: The international festival of experimental theater in Cairo, Egypt with (Little K and little H).
- 1998: The 8th festival of theater clubs with (Little K and little H) getting the awards of: (stenograph, music, appreciation certificate for the director from the general administration of cultural palace, award of best show from the association of Egyptian critics.
- 1995: Zefta festival for independent theater groups.
- 1995: Theater festival for Mediterranean countries – Greece.
- 1994: The 1st festival of Arts for Arab universities – Cairo, Egypt.
- 1992 – 1997: Appreciating certificates from the ministry of education, the superior council for youth and sport – for having the first position in performing and directing pantomime in the Egyptian universities for fire successive years.